Well, the peace I'd hoped for today took a different turn. The bad weather forecast has caused all kind of alarm across the region, so my company closed early. I wound up leaving even earlier since I had to make the 45-minute drive to That Guy's apartment; hoping I get comped the time like my other coworkers will. :/ If not, I suppose that's what PTO is for.
So I wound up getting here at 11:00AM instead of 4:00, which was the original plan. Puppyboo was pleased; he's crated when nobody's here, because he's a destructive little guy. I built a fire, made some coffee and relaxed for a bit. Watched an episode of Katie (I didn't even know Katie Couric had a show; that is how long it's been since I've been home to watch TV early on a weekday) featuring Manti T'eo.
I have to say that I really thought he must have had a part in that whole scandal. I am a Notre Dame football fan, so my feelings when the story broke about his fake girlfriend were pretty strong. But having seen that interview, I guess I feel now that he was probably just incredibly naive. Katie asked him some pointed questions, and he seemed embarrassed, but he also seemed pretty genuine. I feel sorry or him now. I can't say I would have known what to do in December when he found out about the hoax and still lied about it. I think at that point he must have been really confused. I hope, if he was a victim, that it doesn't follow him around for the rest of his life. He's a genuinely talented player. I hope he comes out of this situation a bit wiser, but I also pray he isn't embittered by it. Naivete isn't always a terrible thing; it can be kind of endearing and sweet. In this case, it appears, some jerk took full advantage of this kid's willingness to believe the best about people. Yuck.
Wow. What a tangent. That's what I get for watching daytime TV.
Anyway, I've been working around the apartment since Katie ended. I fixed That Guy's vacuum, which consisted of collecting enough hair to make my own, disgusting Chewbacca costume. Seriously, I'm not sure how the vacuum worked as long as it did. It was so clogged. Then I cleaned the floors. Several times. I can now make several disgusting Ewok costumes for anyone brave enough to do Star Wars cosplay with me.
While I was at it, I cleaned the bathroom and started some laundry. I like to surprise That Guy when he goes out of town by cleaning everything up for him. Sometimes on weekends when he's working (he's a Catholic youth minister, so he works Sundays) I iron and put away his laundry and straighten up for him too. I don't know, I just like these things. I'm totally serious when I say that cleaning calms me down when I'm stressed out. It's probably a mental illness, but as far as mental illnesses go, it's handy.
I think it weirded him out when we first started dating, because I'm not sure anybody had ever cleaned for him before. I suspect he thought I was doing it to win him over or something. He's since accepted that I just genuinely like to clean. Well, for the most part. I also function best in a clean environment. I love to come home and relax as much as anybody, I just can't really relax unless things are cleaned up. I can't cook in a messy kitchen or fall asleep in a messy bedroom. My brain likes order. So I clean in part because it relaxes me and partly because, once things are clean, I can stay relaxed.
My friends think I'm a little bit nuts. I don't know. I was the last person in the world who would have assumed domestic arts would be one of my Things, but I'm not really displeased that I have a knack for them and enjoy them. I like to clean, I love to cook, I enjoy repairing things, ironing, folding, organizing, etc. I'm not so anal retentive about it that I can't have fun and make messes. I'm artistic, too. Trust me, I can destroy a room in a creative frenzy. I just clean up after myself when I'm done.
People tell me this will change when I have kids. I hope I'm able to let my kids be creative, but I also hope I can teach them to respect their belongings (and mine), put away their toys, and clean up after themselves. I know it can be done; I have several friends who've raised their kids to be neat. I think I just have to teach them by example and get them involved early so they don't just think I'm the maid.
And it seems silly and selfish to say it before I'm even engaged, but I hope my home isn't completely taken over by kid things. Again, I have several friends with small kids who still have Grown Up Spaces. Every room in the house isn't a (dys)functional play room, you know? I'd like to maintain my house for my husband and I as much as for my kids. I know my life will change when I have kids. I hope it doesn't come across like I want my kids to be quiet little accessories. Again, I think of my friends who've taught their kids to put their things away and not destroy the house, and they're all super-involved parents who play with their kids all the time. Seriously, they have a blast together. I love hanging out with these friends and their kids. I guess, if these are things I hope to achieve with my kids someday, that it's a good thing to have role models, right?
Well, I've gone on long enough for one post. Back to it. Later, gators.
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